New Life | Depeche Mode |

New Life

Testo New Life

I stand still stepping on the shady streets
And I watched that man to a stranger
You think you only know me when you turn on the light
Now the room is lit, red danger

Complicating, circulating
New life, new life
Operating, generating
New life, new life

Transitions to another place
So the time will pass more slowly
Your features fuse and your shadow‘s red
Like a film I‘ve seen now show me

Complicating, circulating
New life, new life
Operating, generating
New life, new life

This place is hidden and we‘re out of sight
And the road just leads to nowhere
The stranger in the door is the same as before
So the question answers nowhere

Complicating, circulating
New life, new life
Operating, generating
New life, new life

I stand still stepping on the shady streets
And I watched that man to a stranger
You think you only know me when you turn on the light
Now the room is lit, red danger

Complicating, circulating
New life, new life
Operating, generating
New life, new life

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